Meet fundraising superstar Jodie.
She’s back for her third year taking part in The May 50K and has raised an incredible $6,541.33 so far over three years (and counting!).
Jodie says, “I look forward to coming back each year to help raise awareness for MS, a condition i was diagnosed with at the age of 34.”
“It’s a chance to not only challenge myself to reach goals, but makes me feel good knowing what I reach & what I raise will help make a difference to so many lives.”
“It’s a fun way of getting fitter while also getting to educate people about MS. It’s exciting watching your donations and who has supported you for such a great cause.”
Jodie describes herself as living life to the fullest and working a job she loved when MS hit.
“I had started feeling dizzy and off balance, was hard to focus on anything and felt like I was continually going to fall over. When walking I felt like I was drifting left and right and while driving felt the same. I went to see my GP and had numerous tests done, was poked and prodded and still couldn’t come up with a diagnosis. After months off work and feelings of anxiety & depression, I hit an all time low feeling that no one was listening to me and I honestly thought I was going crazy and that it was all in my head.”
It wasn’t until she sought a third opinion that her diagnosis came.
“I was sent for an MRI and that showed that I had lesions on both my brain & my spine. I was admitted to hospital on a course of steroids and told I had relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. Thats where my journey started.”
For Jodie, her diagnosis actually came as a relief.
“Strangely enough i felt a sense of relief... Relief that I wasn’t actually going crazy and that it wasn’t in my head, that there was actually something wrong with me.”
“Then anxiety set in, feelings of why me, what impact was this going to have on my life, just the unknown of what my future held. I’m so lucky that I have an amazing partner that understands and is constantly by my side picking up the pieces when they come crashing down on my bad days.”
Jodie has had to reduce her work hours down to part-time to manage her fatigue. MS impacts her everyday life.
“I have flareups that some days I just can't get out of bed I’m just too dizzy and off-balance to walk or do anything. The hardest thing for me is that people can’t see your condition, externally I’m fine however I struggle on a daily basis.”
“When I was first diagnosed I became a recluse and was scared of going anywhere or doing anything in case I fell over or was I going to have a panic attack, would someone be there to pick me up or help me, I’ve gotten better at accepting my condition and getting on with life. For me, I make the most of every day, as there is always someone out there doing life tougher.”
For Jodie, she has a message to all the amazing participants in The May 50K.
“Everyone needs a pat on the back for what they are doing for The May 50K. I and everyone else suffering with this condition thanks you for your efforts & generosity. It’s people like you that are helping make a difference. Together let’s help find a cure for MS.”