Danielle Squire


My Progress

I'm walking 50km this May to leave MS behind

My Progress


My Target


MS is still BS, so please support me to raise funds for a cure!

Hi everyone! As many of you are aware, I was diagnosed with MS six years ago now. During this time, a lot has changed - I’m ever-so-slightly older (defs not more mature or wiser), slower, and a bit more of a wonky donkey.

I now have a four year old (!) Arthur - who has kindly endorsed the new team name. Like many women, I experienced a serious relapse after his birth despite my best efforts. In the intervening years I have had to deal with many more MS related hiccups along the way.

Grateful for any donation people are able to make, all money goes towards research for a cure for the 33k+ Australians living with this BS disease (and their family and friends). Feel free to join me for a walk/waddle!

My Updates

Team **Hot Wheels**

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while! I’m going to attempt to walk 50kms to raise money for vital MS services. I cannot believe it’s been six years since my diagnosis, and a lot has happened during this time!

Probably the biggest is that I now have a 4 year old who has kindly supplied the team name😂. As with many women living with MS, despite my best efforts I had a significant relapse after Arty was born, as well as several other hiccups along the way. 

I’m also ever-so-slightly older (defs not wiser or more mature), slower and a bit more of a  wonky donkey, but as long as I remain stubborn…I mean goal-oriented I will continue to have a go!

My MS continues to challenge me on the daily, however, I am extremely fortunate to have excellent support services, friends and family around me in Albury, Canberra and elsewhere who help me keep (kind of) sane 🤪. 

Grateful for any donation you are able to make (or join my team, or come for a walk/waddle with me) - it’s all for research into a possible cure for this BS disease which impacts 26k+ people (and by extension their family and friends) Australia-wide. Let’s do this! 💪🩷☺️

Thank you to my Sponsors


Helen And Adam Leayr

You are almost there Danielle, well done!


Wes Seewald


Amy Barnwell

💪 go team Hot Wheels!


Ashlee Betteridge

Here's to a cure for this BS disease.



Amazing and inspiring effort! Lots of love from Katrina and Laddie


David Hevey


Lauren H

You are doing amazing!!


Joanne Toms

You are amazing beautiful girl❤️


Siobhan Dillon


Marianela Aguilera


Katherine Mccabe


Erin Hammerton


The Razittles

I asked Beatrix what we should write and she says: “We love you so much” 💖


Irene Gus & Zoe Doggies Mum



Rachel Cansick


Danielle Squire

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