How to log kilometres
There are 3 ways you can log your kilometres in The May 50K challenge:

You can enter your KMs manually through your dashboard to add them to your fundraising page. This is a great option if you’re using a pedometer, don't use a fitness app or use a different method of tracking your workouts.
Step 1: Login to your dashboard and select ‘Log My Fitness Activity’
Step 2: Under ‘Add activity’, enter the date and distance
Step 3: The number of KMs will now appear on your fundraising page!
3. VIA A FITNESS APP (Fitbit, MapMyFitness or Garmin)
You can track your workouts with Fitbit, MapMyFitness or Garmin and your kilometres will automatically be added to your fundraising page.
Step 1: Download the Fitbit, MapMyFitness or Garmin app and set up your account
Step 2: Connect your Fitness App to your The May 50K Fundraiser Dashboard
Step 3: Follow the prompts to connect the fitness app to your account
When you start each run/walk, select 'Start your workout' in the app on your phone. Once you end your workout, save your workout and your distance will be published to the tally on your page the following day (please allow 24 hours).
Points to note:
- When using Fitbit, you must ‘start’ an activity and save it. Your daily steps will not automatically add to your page. If you are having issues, try syncing through BOTH your Fitbit and the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
- When using MapMyFitness, you must ‘start’ your workout, ‘stop’ your workout and then ‘SAVE’ your workout.